
Welcome to the Australian and New Zealand Islet and Pancreas Transplant Registry (ANZIPTR).

ANZIPTR is based at Westmead Hospital in NSW, Australia. The Registry operates at Westmead Hospital under contract from the Australian Organ and Tissue Authority. The registry is responsible for recording and maintaining the islet and pancreas transplants performed in Australia and New Zealand. Information relating to pancreas and islets related transplants is collected by the registry from the participating units and stored in a secured database.

Inquiries or comments should be directed to the Registry Secretariat at:
Australia and New Zealand Islet and Pancreas Transplant Unit
A6c, Locked Bag 4001,
Westmead NSW 2145 Australia
T: 61 2 9845 8603
F: 61 2 9633 9351
Email: info@anziptr.org